Sunday 1 November 2009

Hugo's 3

This is the first year Daisy and Hugo have had separate birthday parties. We decided to have them on the same weekend - hectic but great fun. After presents and webcam chats with Grandma, Grand and Granny in the UK, we got ready for the first party - Hugo's

Hugo chose a superheroes party. We made superhero eye masks, then played pass the parcel. Daisy did a great job of doing the music and making sure all the kids got a turn with the parcel.

Here with cousin Claire.

Then party tea. There was a brief period of quiet while all 12 of them sat and ate.

Hugo liked the cakes best - note the still full plate of fruit.

It was a hot day, so the polyester costumes didn't last long. Hugo, Pascal and Rex enjoy a bit of time in the sandpit before coming back in for birthday cake.

Happy birthday Hugo. A big three-year old boy.

A few friends stayed after the party for some drinks and takeaway pizza. Super parents Richard and Claerwen came and stayed with party goers Winter and Baxter and gorgeous two-week old Flint.

Calm in the kitchen while the children have a present fest in the lounge.

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