Tuesday 19 February 2008

Trip down memory lane

A had to visit our old haunt - Wimpole Farm. I'd forgotten how cold it could be, with my winter coat lost by Cathay Pacific, it was freezing.


A tractor ride. And a ride with a couple of wild five year olds
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Visiting Sophie

We spent a couple of days in Cambridge visiting friends. Daisy was very excited to see Sophie again and have her first sleepover in a friend's room. It was lovely to be back in Cambridge, it felt like home. We drove past our old house, it hadn't changed.
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Christmas day

It's taken ages to get the blog going again after our holiday and temporary web forwarding collapse. Anyway, here are the holiday pics. Daisy loved Christmas day with her big cousins. It was an early start - presents from Father Christmas were opened at 6.30am. We'd already been awake since 2am. The jet lag didn't seem to bother her though, she lasted the day well.

A cuddle with Grand.

And Daisy discovers Nintendo.

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We got Daisy a tennis racquet at a school fete. It was pretty difficult playing with Hugo running after balls on other courts but they both had a good time.
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