Sunday 25 November 2007

An artist at work

Hugo wasn't very hungry at lunch. While I was busy clearing up, he decided to lay his food out on the arm of the chair. Very artistic.
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Sunday 18 November 2007

First steps

Hugo took his first few steps on Wednesday. He has been busy practising and here he is on Sunday.

Saturday 10 November 2007

Leisurely lunch

We spent most of the day doing what we like best, having a long and leisurely lunch. It was a fantastic day. Everything came together, the children behaved perfectly, the weather was lovely and the wine and food were gorgeous.
Hugo is fascinated by 'up there' - fans, aeroplanes, ceilings, anything.

We'll definitely be going back. There was a lovely big field to run around in, with toys provided, to keep the children entertained.
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Birthday present

Grand sent Daisy some birthday money and she bought a remote control car - she's very pleased with it. So is Scott - it's the start of buying toys he wants to play with too.
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Tooth fairy

Daisy has lost her first tooth - a bit prematurely. She fell over running around in the park with a friend which must have loosened her tooth because it fell out later in the day, possibly while she was eating dinner. We couldn't find the tooth, so the tooth fairy got an IOU. We were caught unprepared. How much does the tooth fairy give these days? She gave four 50c coins (the biggest and therefore most attractive). Is that stingy or too generous, I've no idea. But Daisy was very impressed.
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