Sunday 9 August 2009

New birthday bicycle

Here is Daisy showing off her new (early) birthday present from Grand - a new bike. She's a bit between sizes and after lots of thought we finally opted for the bike that is too big for her, rather than the one that will only last her a year. She test rode it and did fine, so we got it.
It was definitely the right choice, since then she has cycled to school several times and this weekend clocked up 13 miles. She is enjoying using the gears and tells me I go to slowly!

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Dress ups

Friends Claerwen, Richard, Winter and Baxi came over for a play and dinner on Friday. The kids enjoyed dressing up. Here's Daisy the horse being ridden by knight Winter.
followed by Iron Man Hugo. A good evening was had.
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Friday 7 August 2009

School musical

Daisy has been in her first school musical. It was an amazing production. The pupils, with help from the teachers, wrote the musical and the songs. Everyone was in it with three different casts, one for each night. Daisy was a goose on the moon.
I've got some video but I haven't suceeded in uploading it yet. I'll keep trying.

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