Tuesday 30 December 2008

More garden work

We spent another day in the garden. We finally decided we needed a sandpit. Hugo loves to dig. He borrowed this digger from his friend Baxi several weeks ago and it hasn't left his side. Since we're not going to be able to do anything about the ground in the garden (a mixture of tarmac and dirt) for the foreseeable future, Hugo was going to carry on digging in the dirt (near the dog poo) until we provided him with something else. He loves it and Daisy's pretty keen too.

And a few new herb pots as well.
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Thursday 25 December 2008


Christmas morning. A civilised time, about 6.45am. A fire engine and a new hat, plus a much-loved sticker book for Daisy.

And then outside to find the present from Grandma, Granny, Grand, Nana, Pa, Mummy and Daddy that Father Christmas delivered for us. Much bouncing was done before breakfast
And modelling his new hat and mittens. Hugo loves putting them on himself.

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Christmas lunch

Christmas lunch in the garden. The weather was perfect. And then a bit of a rest for some afterwards.
Or so we thought. Hugo was just pretending to sleep.

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Sunday 21 December 2008

Day in the garden

We hadn't had much summery weather in the lead up to Christmas. But then it came good. We spent a day in the garden sorting it out. We (Scott) removed the post that used to hold the old washing line and the fence running next to it. It has really opened up the garden (it was in the front right in the photo where the darker patch is. There was a jasmine growing on top of the post and we were worried our garden would feel less green if we cut it down. The opposite has happened. We can see more of the greenery that was hidden. Still, the garden could do with some more plants and desperately needs something instead of tarmac.

We got the extra bits for the table out, ready for Christmas and had lunch in the garden.

and did some playdough
before turning into skaters

and eating icy poles

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